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Convert Firefox 3 cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt

Posted by on July 16, 2008

Now at firefox 3 does not user cookies.txt, they are use cookies.sqlite, if you use wget or curl command to download with cookies, may you must convert cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt, just copy and paste this scipt, and the script will be convert your cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt.


import sqlite3 as db
import sys

cookiedb = ‘/home/henry/.mozilla/firefox/pj8x7vu3.default/cookies.sqlite’
targetfile = ‘/home/henry/kuki-.txt’

what = sys.argv[1]
connection = db.connect(cookiedb)
cursor = connection.cursor()
contents = “host, path, isSecure, expiry, name, value”

cursor.execute(“SELECT ” +contents+ ” FROM moz_cookies WHERE host LIKE ‘%” +what+ “%'”)

file = open(targetfile, ‘w’)
index = 0
for row in cursor.fetchall():
file.write(“%stTRUEt%st%st%dt%st%sn” % (row[0], row[1],
str(bool(row[2])).upper(), row[3], str(row[4]), str(row[5])))
index += 1

print “Gesucht nach: %s” % what
print “Exportiert: %d” % index


save this script as and run with command

./ rapidshare

Source :



One Response to Convert Firefox 3 cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt

  1. kennedia insurance

    Maybe the GREATEST paper that I read this week…

    -Yours truly,

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