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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Adding nodes to a GPFS cluster using use command mmaddnode, mmlsnode and mmlscluster.

You can add nodes to an existing GPFS cluster by issuing the mmaddnode command. The new nodes are available immediately after the successful completion of this command. You must follow these rules when adding nodes to a GPFS cluster: * You may issue the command only from a node that already belongs to the GPFS … Continue reading »

Categories: Linux | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

Linux Ethernet Bonding

Setelah sekian lama jadi pengen nulis lagi di blog yg tak seberapa ini, saat ini topic yg akan kita bahas Linux Ethernet Bonding yaitu menggabungkan dua buah atau lebih ethernet menjadi 1 device bond. Mengapa kita harus mem-bonding ethernet? Jawabnya dengan bonding ethernet kita bisa memaksimalkan network jika terjadi failure, biasanya digunakan untuk mesin-mesin yg … Continue reading »

Categories: Linux, Orat-oret | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments