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DBZ hybrid v1.2 for 9800

Posted by on March 8, 2011

Untuk pengguna Blackberry Torch a.k.a 9800, dan mencintai hybrid, saat ini telah ada Hybrid versi 1.2 dari DBZ series..
DBZ hybrid v1.2
Mix: 448+450+461+466+481+
About n help screen: (1908)

Fitur dan Kelebihan DBZ Hybrid dibanding OS Standard :
-Battery, memory, browser dan performa yang lebih baik
-Include CJK (read & write CJK except Japan)
-BBM v6.0.0.13.
-Facebook v1.9.1.5
-Twitter v1.1.0.16
-Yahoo Messenger v2.5.69
-Bahasa yang tersedia hanya English
-Hybrid ini sudah saia Shrink, tapi jika mau shrink silahkan tapi ditanggung sendiri yah resikonya
-BBM6 lebih ramah di OS hybrid versi ini.
-signal locking yg lebih baik.
-lainya, silahkan di rasakan sendiri ^_^
-bebas menggunakan base OS mana aja yg penting masih versi OS dari 9800
Blackberry protect (SDcard installer)
NewsFeeds (SDcard Installer)

Petunjuk Installasi :
-Download “DBZ_Hybrid_v1.2.rar” dan Extract “DBZ_Hybrid_v1.2.rar” ke PC/Laptop
-Install Base OS 9800 Beta/Official.Hapus file “Vendor.xml” yg ada di C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch In MotionApploader
-Hapus semua isi folder OS yg terletak di C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch inMotionSharedLoader Filesnama OS
-Copy semua isi folder “DBZ_Hybrid_v1.2” ke dalam folder OS.
-Backup semua Data dan 3rd Apps.
-Wipe device menggunakan BBSAK/JL_cmder/BBMCP atau Tools lainnya
-Load OS melalui Loader.exe yg terletak di C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch in MotionApploader
-Setelah selesai lakukan restore Data dan 3rd Apps.

Beberapa hal penting yg harus di perhatikan :
-buka/jalankan aplikasi facebook, twitter, dan BBM6 sebelum restore data.
-Jangan lupa menghapus file “Vendor.xml” yg terletak di C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch in MotionApploader
-Freeze/Lag/Memory Drain bisa terjadi setelah restore data dan BBM maupun Group.
-Selama 1-2 hari pertama bisa saja terjadi battery boros atau memory drain dikarenakan proses adaptasi DBZ_Hybrid_v1.2 ini. Jadi jangan dijadikan patokan untuk review.
-Saran, Kritik & Masukan dari semua teman2 yang memakai hybrid ini sangat saya harapkan, sebagai acuan untuk saya

Download IIX Bandwidth:

Thanks to Desutha to inspire this post.




One Response to DBZ hybrid v1.2 for 9800

  1. Stacey N. Robles

    This rom is based on the G1 espresso port by eugene, i have ported it to the hero and added some parts from the Hero 2.1 roms, these are still pre-release software and do contain some bugs, some more noticable than others. If you like my work, please donate so i can buy a hero for dev use This has had no optimizations done yet, future versions will be optimized and i will be adding a2sd if possible, do not ask for compcache as that cannot be added due to no kernel sources available. – V1.3 – No Wipe [ DOWNLOAD ] Changelog: Fixed Network location Some optimizations Fixed A2SD Custom Task Killer settings – V1.2 – Incremental [ DOWNLOAD ] Changelog: Fixed GPS Fixed SU Added Busybox Symlinks Added A2SD for EXT2/3 * This is an incremental patch and requires v1.1 before flashing v1.2 – V1.1 [ DOWNLOAD ] Changelog: Fixed Browser bookmarks Fixed HTC Mail FC Added News Reader Fixed HTC Settings widgets Added Teeter Added Acer Liquid APNs list Added Espresso Framework Fixed Calendar month display Fixed HTC Music reboot problem ToDo: Fix Network Location Fix Paid Apps Fix Graphical problems Optimize – Initial Release – v1.0 [ DOWNLOAD ] – Espresso Rosie – [ DOWNLOAD ] – Busybox Fix – [ DOWNLOAD ] Not Working: Some Paid apps dont show Some graphical glitches 3D apps Thanks to: Eugene, Lok_dev, barak, Drizzy, maxisma, behnaam, and all the other devs that have helped make this happen.

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