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Howto: Install PHP Oracle / module php-oci8 on Linux

Posted by on December 21, 2011

If you are using Oracle database and  you want to connect, in here you can find how to install module php-oci8. In this how to you can use Oracle’s Instant Client and php oci8 module from pear.  (thinking)

Download the Linux Basic  and the SDK packages from here. At the time of this writing, filename are (58,502,865 bytes) (cksum – 2164488682) and (639,306 bytes) (cksum – 3741058433)

PHP-oci8 you can download here. At the time of this writing, filename are oci8-1.4.6.tgz (163.3kB)  (gym)

Unzip all file to /opt/oracle or anything path you want.  (rock)

mkdir /opt/oracle

unzip /opt/oracle

unzip /opt/oracle


rename instantclient_11_2 to instantclient for easy way when compile php, and create symlink

cd /opt/oracle

mv instantclient_11_2 instantclient

cd instantclient

ln -s

ln -s

Now we configure php pear and make sure you have php-pear and php-devel packages if you using RPM or .dep

tar zxvf oci8-1.4.6.tgz

cd oci8-1.4.6


./configure –with-oci8=share,instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient/


make install

now you can add on your php.ini

Check your phpinfo hope you can find oci8 (funkydance)
enjoy.. (drinking)



2 Responses to Howto: Install PHP Oracle / module php-oci8 on Linux

  1. Mochamad Isa

    Kutu kupret katanya om, yang punya hajat pusing tujuh turunan (dance) (headspin)

  2. henry

    tapi teteb lah.. dewa oracle di grup kan Pak Isa :)… (worship)

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