Author Archives: henry
Renaming a NIC on SUSE and openSUSE
Problem: Say you have installed two NICs in your system e.g. eth0 and eth1 and sometime later you removed one of the nics from your machine, say, eth0. Now you want to access the remaining nic, eth1, as eth0, or you want to simply name the existing nic (i.e. eth1) as eth0. Solution:
Group Mapping MS Windows and UNIX
As usual I’m allways visite my blog to read the manual from samba, because i had always got the problem from samba. So i wrote the documentation, I know I will have to come back here to find it hehehe The following steps describe how to make Samba PDC users members of the Domain Admins … Continue reading
Convert Firefox 3 cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt
Now at firefox 3 does not user cookies.txt, they are use cookies.sqlite, if you use wget or curl command to download with cookies, may you must convert cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt, just copy and paste this scipt, and the script will be convert your cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt. #!/usr/bin/python import sqlite3 as db import sys cookiedb = … Continue reading
Bash For loop Example
I’m always forgetting the syntax to make “for” loops in Bash. Anyhow, I know I will have to come back here to find it, so I thought I would write put up this quick example with the hope that it will be useful to others as well. for i in $(seq 1 100); do echo … Continue reading
Vega4 – Life Is Beautiful
Vega4 – Life Is Beautiful [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Life is beautiful We love until we die When you run into my arms We steal a perfect moment Let the monsters see you smile Let them see you smile And do i hold you too tightly When will the hurt kick in … Continue reading
Install CVS Server on openSUSE 11
CVS adalah Concurrent Versions System. Fungsi dari CVS sendiri adalah untuk mencatat perubahan pada sebuah file, biasanya lebih sering digunakan untuk mencatat sebuah project development yang mencatat perubahan-perubahan pada file-filenya. Install CVS di openSUSE 11 # zypper in cvs Reading installed packages… The following NEW package is going to be installed: cvs Overall download size: … Continue reading
openSUSE 11 (IIX)
Buat penggemar distro opensuse kemaren tanggal 19 Juni 2008 telah release opensuse versi 11. Untuk para linuxer yang hanya mempunya benwit internasional pas2an dan link IIX nya kenceng bisa mendapatkan CD dan di DVD nya dengan mendownload link di bawah ini: Versi openSUSE-11(i386) CD berupa liveCD : * GNOME LiveCD MD5SUM c9d2c31ef7a1429d1abbb0cbd3ba505b * KDE LiveCD … Continue reading
Kisah Lagu Gaby “Tinggal Kenangan” Download MP3
Versi Piano [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Versi Gitar [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Pernah ada rasa cinta antara kita kini tinggal kenangan Ingin kulupakan semua tentang dirimu Namun tak lagi kan seperti dirimu oh bintangku Jauh kau pergi meninggalkan diriku disini aku merindukan dirimu kini ku coba mencari penggantimu namun … Continue reading
Mplayer dan Mencoder tips trik
Buat pencinta linux dan yang sering nonton di linux terutama menggunakan mplayer berikut tips dan triknya: ## MPLAYER Q: Bila bermasalah dengan subtitile font terliha terlalu besar
Load Balancing & Failover With Multiple Connections on Linux
Udah lama gak nulis jadi pengen share sekalian dijadiin logbook aja. Buat yang punya multiple connection baik itu di kantor, di warnet, di pos kamling, sampe di pos satpam dan di warteg-warteg.. (haaaalaaaahh..) Nah berikut cara buat load balancing dan failover untuk multiple connection di linux. Setelah baca primbon Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control … Continue reading