Linux Output Display via Console RS232
In the office now being POC avocent for ACS products, which supposedly he can capture the output from linux. After reading read the documentation of the Linux-Serial finally found it, how to make Linux not just to the monitor output (VGA Card) but via RS232 Console (ttyS0). 1. Make sure your system support serial port. … Continue reading
Remove MySQL Binary Log Files Eating Lots of Disk Space
By default, MySQL 5.0 and above enables MySQL Binary Log. Keeping MySQL Binary Log might take up a lot of disk space for long run. Older MySQL Binary log can be removed in order to keep your hard disk space free. MySQL Binary Log stores query event such as add, delete and update in a … Continue reading
Repair MySQL Replication Duplicate Entry Error
We have 2 servers that will be configured as Circular Replication. It means both servers act as master and slave to another server. And Master server was going down because hardware failure and need restart Master server. When Master server is going up, repication with slave is not running. Check replication on slave mysql> SHOW … Continue reading
Linux Ethernet Bonding
Setelah sekian lama jadi pengen nulis lagi di blog yg tak seberapa ini, saat ini topic yg akan kita bahas Linux Ethernet Bonding yaitu menggabungkan dua buah atau lebih ethernet menjadi 1 device bond. Mengapa kita harus mem-bonding ethernet? Jawabnya dengan bonding ethernet kita bisa memaksimalkan network jika terjadi failure, biasanya digunakan untuk mesin-mesin yg … Continue reading
Menangislah Untuk Ramadhan Yang Kan Hilang Nak, menangislah… Jika itu bisa melapangkan gundah yang mengganjal sanubarimu. Jika itu adalah ungkapan penyesalanmu. Bahwa Ramadhan sudah bergegas di akhir hitungan. Tapi baru merupakan awal tekadmu untuk menyempurnakan tarawih dan qiyamul lailmu yang centang perenang Menangislah, Allah tak menjanjikan apa-apa untuk Ramadhan tahun depan,apakah kamu masih disertakan; sedangkan … Continue reading
Renaming a NIC on SUSE and openSUSE
Problem: Say you have installed two NICs in your system e.g. eth0 and eth1 and sometime later you removed one of the nics from your machine, say, eth0. Now you want to access the remaining nic, eth1, as eth0, or you want to simply name the existing nic (i.e. eth1) as eth0. Solution:
Convert Firefox 3 cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt
Now at firefox 3 does not user cookies.txt, they are use cookies.sqlite, if you use wget or curl command to download with cookies, may you must convert cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt, just copy and paste this scipt, and the script will be convert your cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt. #!/usr/bin/python import sqlite3 as db import sys cookiedb = … Continue reading
Bash For loop Example
I’m always forgetting the syntax to make “for” loops in Bash. Anyhow, I know I will have to come back here to find it, so I thought I would write put up this quick example with the hope that it will be useful to others as well. for i in $(seq 1 100); do echo … Continue reading
Install CVS Server on openSUSE 11
CVS adalah Concurrent Versions System. Fungsi dari CVS sendiri adalah untuk mencatat perubahan pada sebuah file, biasanya lebih sering digunakan untuk mencatat sebuah project development yang mencatat perubahan-perubahan pada file-filenya. Install CVS di openSUSE 11 # zypper in cvs Reading installed packages… The following NEW package is going to be installed: cvs Overall download size: … Continue reading
Kisah Lagu Gaby “Tinggal Kenangan” Download MP3
Versi Piano [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Versi Gitar [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Pernah ada rasa cinta antara kita kini tinggal kenangan Ingin kulupakan semua tentang dirimu Namun tak lagi kan seperti dirimu oh bintangku Jauh kau pergi meninggalkan diriku disini aku merindukan dirimu kini ku coba mencari penggantimu namun … Continue reading