Configure PHP Phurple with PHP 5.3.3
Setelah sekian lama gak orat-oret di blog ini dan sudah agak lama di tinggalkan (lonely), akhirnya saya mencoba lagi untuk membuka lembaran baru (scenic), dengan menceritakan kisah dan perjuangan menginstall ulang server . Dimana server ini sudah lama sekali up dan butuh refreshing hardware dan OS nya, OS yang sebelumnya adalah CentOs 4.3 kira-kira 5 … Continue reading
Export MySQL data to CSV
Melakukan export data MySQL ke CSV sangat mudah di lakukan melalui CLI (Command Line Interface), untuk langkah ini kita mempunya 2 cara, tinggal pilih saja mana yang menurut Anda gampang dilakukan. Langkah 1: select columns INTO OUTFILE ‘/path/to/output.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘n’ from table [where clause] Langkah … Continue reading
Group Mapping MS Windows and UNIX
As usual I’m allways visite my blog to read the manual from samba, because i had always got the problem from samba. So i wrote the documentation, I know I will have to come back here to find it hehehe The following steps describe how to make Samba PDC users members of the Domain Admins … Continue reading
Convert Firefox 3 cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt
Now at firefox 3 does not user cookies.txt, they are use cookies.sqlite, if you use wget or curl command to download with cookies, may you must convert cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt, just copy and paste this scipt, and the script will be convert your cookies.sqlite to cookies.txt. #!/usr/bin/python import sqlite3 as db import sys cookiedb = … Continue reading