Enable Telnet Client on Windows 7 or higher

Telnet (Telecommunication Network) is an ancient network protocol used on the Internet or local area network to connect to remote host and provide two-way interactive command-line interface.

In the Windows operating system, Telnet client application software is included to provide the ability telnet. But on Windows 7 or higher, telnet client by default is not active. (doh)
Telnet is very insecure and whenever you have the choice you should always use SSH. However, with that being said, you can quickly re-enable Telnet by following these steps: (goodluck)

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Thunderbird Get MS-Exchange Global Address List

I’m using Thunderbird as Mail User Agent. Now i want to get Global Address List with my Thunderbird. As we know Active Directory using LDAP.

To setting up Thunderbird open Tools > Address Book

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Exporting Data with the SELECT … INTO OUTFILE Statement

Berikut syntax untuk membatu dalam melakukan dump database, tetapi kita dapat menentukan field-filed yg kita butuhkan, dengan menggunakan SELECT dengan INTO OUTFILE output_file.

Ikuti langkah berikut ini untuk mengexport table data_tbl ke dalam file data.txt.

mysql> SELECT * FROM data_tbl
-> INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/data.txt’;

Output dari perintah diatas akan membuat file /tmp/data.txt. Jika ingin outpunya dalam bentuk CSV (Comma Separate Vallues) bisa mengikuti langkah berikut.
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Linux Output Display via Console RS232

In the office now being POC avocent for ACS products, which supposedly he can capture the output from linux. After reading read the documentation of the Linux-Serial finally found it, how to make Linux not just to the monitor output (VGA Card) but via RS232 Console (ttyS0).

1. Make sure your system support serial port.

[root@flubber root]# dmesg | grep tty
ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

[root@flubber root]# setserial -g /dev/ttyS[01]
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3

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Remove MySQL Binary Log Files Eating Lots of Disk Space

By default, MySQL 5.0 and above enables MySQL Binary Log. Keeping MySQL Binary Log might take up a lot of disk space for long run. Older MySQL Binary log can be removed in order to keep your hard disk space free.

MySQL Binary Log stores query event such as add, delete and update in a very details way. The Binary Log is used for two main purposes;

* 1. Replication between master and slave server, statement that has been made on Master server will later send it to slave server.
* 2. Recovery, certain recovery job required data stored in MySQL Binary Log.
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Repair MySQL Replication Duplicate Entry Error

We have 2 servers that will be configured as Circular Replication. It means both servers act as master and slave to another server. And Master server was going down because hardware failure and need restart Master server.
When Master server is going up, repication with slave is not running. (doh)

Check replication on slave


And one of Slave_IO_Running or Slave_SQL_Running is set to No, then the replication is broken:
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Adding nodes to a GPFS cluster using use command mmaddnode, mmlsnode and mmlscluster.

You can add nodes to an existing GPFS cluster by issuing the mmaddnode command. The new nodes are available immediately after the successful completion of this command.
You must follow these rules when adding nodes to a GPFS cluster:

* You may issue the command only from a node that already belongs to the GPFS cluster.
* A node may belong to only one GPFS cluster at a time.
* The nodes must be available for the command to be successful. If any of the nodes listed are not available when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed. You must correct the problem on each node and reissue the command to add those nodes.
You can use command mmaddnode, mmlsnode and mmlscluster.

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Linux Ethernet Bonding

Setelah sekian lama jadi pengen nulis lagi di blog yg tak seberapa ini, saat ini topic yg akan kita bahas Linux Ethernet Bonding yaitu menggabungkan dua buah atau lebih ethernet menjadi 1 device bond.

Mengapa kita harus mem-bonding ethernet? Jawabnya dengan bonding ethernet kita bisa memaksimalkan network jika terjadi failure, biasanya digunakan untuk mesin-mesin yg kritikal.

Berikut step by step membuat Ethernet Bonding di Linux

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Menangislah Untuk Ramadhan Yang Kan Hilang Nak, menangislah…
Jika itu bisa melapangkan gundah yang mengganjal sanubarimu.
Jika itu adalah ungkapan penyesalanmu.

Bahwa Ramadhan sudah bergegas di akhir hitungan.

Tapi baru merupakan awal tekadmu untuk menyempurnakan tarawih dan qiyamul lailmu yang centang perenang


Allah tak menjanjikan apa-apa untuk Ramadhan tahun depan,apakah kamu masih disertakan; sedangkan Ramadhan sekarang cuma tersisa beberapa belas. Tak ada yang dapat menjamin usiamu sampai untuk Ramadhan besok, sedang Ramadhan ini tersia-siakan.

Menangislah untuk Ramadhan yang kan hilang.
Biar butir bening itu jadi saksi di yaumil akhir.

Menangislah, lebih keras…
Untuk dosa-dosa yang belum diampuni, tapi kamu masih juga menambahi dengan dosa baru. Berapa kali kamu sholat taubat, tetapi tak lama kemudian ada saja kelalaian yang kamu buat?


Tuntaskan semuanya mulai malam ini. Karena besok waktu akan bergerak makin cepat, Ramadhan semakin berlari.

Tarawih, sedekah, tilawah Qur’an, qiyamul lail, i’tikaf.
Tahu-tahu sudah sepuluh hari terakhir dan kamu masih juga belum siap.
Sekarang, atau mungkin tidak ada sama sekali…

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mysql : Got error 127 from storage engine

Duh.. udah sore di telp pula dari client.. katanya a** monitoringnya gajalan, selidik punya selidik ternyata mysql keluarin error “Got error 127 from storage engine” gw pikir cuma tablenya aja yang rusak, so tinggal repair table aja. Tapi setelah dijalanin lagi applikasinya masih tetap mysqlnya keluarin error “Got error 127 from storage engine” dan akhirnya mendapatkan jawabannya kalo mysql default rowsnya terbatas. So harus ditambahin.. Caranya sbb:

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