Dari SBY ke SBY
Setelah selang beberapa hari Partai Demokrat menyelenggarakan Kongres Luar Biasa (KLB) 30-31 Maret di Sanur, Bali. Dan muncullah broadcast message yang berisikan Dari SBY ke SBY Berikut pengutipannya.
RCTI Live Streaming
Buat yang mau nonton RCTI Live Streming bisa kunjungi site RCTI Live Streaming bisa ditonton di semua device kamu. Langsung aja ke RCTI Live Streaming
Rsync using ssh non-standart port ssh
Before we start to explain deep, let me introduce rsync What is Rsync ? rsync is a file transfer program for Unix systems. rsync uses the “rsync algorithm” which provides a very fast method for bringing remote files into sync. It does this by sending just the differences in the files across the link, without … Continue reading
Howto: Install PHP Oracle / module php-oci8 on Linux
If you are using Oracle database and you want to connect, in here you can find how to install module php-oci8. In this how to you can use Oracle’s Instant Client and php oci8 module from pear. Download the Linux Basic and the SDK packages from here. At the time of this writing, filename are … Continue reading
DBZ hybrid v1.2 for 9800
Untuk pengguna Blackberry Torch a.k.a 9800, dan mencintai hybrid, saat ini telah ada Hybrid versi 1.2 dari DBZ series.. DBZ hybrid v1.2 Mix: 448+450+461+466+481+ About n help screen: (1908) Platform: Fitur dan Kelebihan DBZ Hybrid dibanding OS Standard : -Battery, memory, browser dan performa yang lebih baik -Include CJK (read & write CJK … Continue reading
UberTwitter And Twidroyd Suspended
If you are using UberTwitter or twidroyd, it’s a bad news to you . Twitter, in an announcement from Twitter Support blog, they said “We have suspended UberTwitter and twidroyd for violating our policies” See the full statment from Twitter Support Blog. And from the another forum they tell “Bring Back UT!!” :). Now you … Continue reading
Enable Telnet Client on Windows 7 or higher
Telnet (Telecommunication Network) is an ancient network protocol used on the Internet or local area network to connect to remote host and provide two-way interactive command-line interface. In the Windows operating system, Telnet client application software is included to provide the ability telnet. But on Windows 7 or higher, telnet client by default is not … Continue reading
Thunderbird Get MS-Exchange Global Address List
I’m using Thunderbird as Mail User Agent. Now i want to get Global Address List with my Thunderbird. As we know Active Directory using LDAP. To setting up Thunderbird open Tools > Address Book
Exporting Data with the SELECT … INTO OUTFILE Statement
Berikut syntax untuk membatu dalam melakukan dump database, tetapi kita dapat menentukan field-filed yg kita butuhkan, dengan menggunakan SELECT dengan INTO OUTFILE output_file. Ikuti langkah berikut ini untuk mengexport table data_tbl ke dalam file data.txt. mysql> SELECT * FROM data_tbl -> INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/data.txt’; Output dari perintah diatas akan membuat file /tmp/data.txt. Jika ingin outpunya … Continue reading